Work with APKs

Some tools to work with APKs

Extract the APK from your device

  • With APK Extractor app

    • install an APK Extractor app from the Store
    • launch the app
    • select the app you want to extract
    • the app will create an .apk file
  • With adb

    • install adb on your computer
    • get the full app name with adb shell pm list packages | grep APP_NAME
    • get the apk path with adb shell pm path FULL_APP_NAME
    • pull the apk with adb pull APK_PATH


apktool can extract the .apk file into a directory with the resources and the classes

java -jar apktool.jar d APP_NAME.apk


dex2jar can transform the .apk into a .jar file viewable by jd-gui

# download the latest release
# extract the zip file APP_NAME.apk


jd-gui can view the .jar file generated by dex2jar

java -jar jd-gui.jar APP_NAME-dex2jar.jar


jadx can decompile the .apk file and view the source code

jadx -d out_folder APP_NAME.apk
jadx-gui # open the APK inside

Get signatures of the APK

apksigner verify --print-certs example.apk

Android keystore and keytool

The keystore is often a PKCS12 keystore type

# list the keys
keytool -keystore ~/path/to/keystore -list

# export the certificate
keytool -keystore ~/path/to/keystore -exportcert -alias key_alias -file exported_certificate.der

# convert JKS to PKCS12
keytool \
    -importkeystore \
    -srckeystore ~/path/to/keystore \
    -destkeystore PRIVATE_KEYSTORE.p12 \
    -srcstoretype JKS \
    -deststoretype PKCS12 \
    -srcstorepass $STORE \
    -deststorepass key_out \
    -srcalias key_alias \
    -destalias key_alias \
    -srckeypass $KEY \
    -destkeypass key_out \

# export private key
openssl pkcs12 -in PRIVATE_KEYSTORE.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out private.key
# check the private.key file