
title: What's with Wheat ?

dateRelease: 2016-06-16

dateReleaseOriginal: 2016-06-16

duration: 78m (1h18m)

frenchReleaseDate: 2016-06-16


    "category": "Documentaire",
    "channel": null,
    "dateRelease": "2016-06-16",
    "dateReleaseEarlyAccess": null,
    "dateReleaseJP": null,
    "dateReleaseOriginal": "2016-06-16",
    "dateReleaseUS": null,
    "displayedYear": null,
    "duration": 4680,
    "episodeNumber": null,
    "seasonNumber": null,
    "frenchReleaseDate": "2016-06-16",
    "id": 30236979,
    "numberOfSeasons": 0,
    "originalRun": null,
    "originalTitle": null,
    "rating": null,
    "slug": "what_s_with_wheat",
    "subtitle": null,
    "title": "What's with Wheat ?",
    "universe": 1,
    "url": "/film/what_s_with_wheat/30236979",
    "yearOfProduction": 2016,
    "tvChannel": [],
    "countries": [
            "id": 14,
            "name": "Australie",
            "__typename": "Country"
    "gameSystems": null,
    "medias": {
        "picture": "https://media.senscritique.com/media/000017589272/300/what_s_with_wheat.jpg",
        "__typename": "ProductMedia"
    "genresInfos": [],
    "artists": null,
    "authors": null,
    "creators": null,
    "developers": null,
    "directors": [],
    "pencillers": null,
    "stats": {
        "ratingCount": 4,
        "__typename": "ProductStats"
    "__typename": "Product",
    "synopsis": "A hard hitting investigation helping to answer the burning questions about our health today. This documentary features 15 global experts who shed the light on what is currently happening to our wheat.",
    "currentUserInfos": null,
    "scoutsAverage": null,
    "tracklistExtract": null