Total: 200
2020-07-11 - Update attribute-detail.html
2020-11-02 - [Feature] add hook to static page
2020-11-03 - [Feature] add moreButtons to Ns button directive
2020-11-03 - [Feature] add pictorisation for Picto Page
2020-11-03 - [Feature] add tooltip for picto
2020-11-03 - [Fix] correct the wrong place for toolTip
2020-11-09 - [Fix] location of moreButtons
2020-11-09 - [Fix] button in additionalButtons
2020-11-09 - [fix] display of the choice
2020-11-09 - Fix more button display
2020-11-09 - Remove duplicate button
2020-11-10 - [Feature] add 'active' informations
2020-11-10 - Correct more buttons use
2020-11-17 - [Feature] control node version
2020-11-17 - [fix] slider and item of slider
2020-11-17 - [Feature] add search in API
2020-11-24 - [fix] correct a bug
2020-11-24 - [feature] improve gallery display
2020-11-30 - [fix] style of border
2020-11-30 - Datepicker can remove date
2020-12-14 - [Fix] Create empty discount
2020-12-15 - [fix] related products
2020-12-15 - [fix] Start with ssl
2020-12-21 - [fix] New theme upload
2020-12-21 - [fix] accessList display
2021-03-02 - Admin password recover
2021-03-10 - [fix] add test to Mocha
2021-03-15 - [Mocha] Add tests
2021-03-22 - [product] create generic file for category tab
2021-03-23 - New select product
2021-04-06 - [fix] reset restrictedFields when admin
2021-04-07 - Change dynamic of categories page
2021-04-19 - Change config access
2021-04-20 - Category Controller : change and use displayOrder and more
2021-04-27 - [fix] change the directive
2021-04-28 - New hooks for package send and return
2021-05-05 - Change Controller of plugins page
2021-05-06 - Change the controller to get correct products
2021-05-12 - [feature] add
2021-05-18 - Better ns-product-list directive
2021-06-07 - [fix] installer testDB and mongoDB connection
2021-06-08 - [feature] add promos tests
2021-06-08 - Make swagger desc
2021-06-08 - [feature] new directive : ns-category-list-directives
2021-06-09 - Dispatch Invoices
2021-06-16 - [feature] dispatch
2021-06-29 - [POC] better & easy multi themes
2021-07-28 - [fix] change adminRights
2021-08-09 - Better routes loading
2021-08-10 - Change sitemap generation
2021-08-11 - Change double ternary
2024-04-26 - change infos related to eframe
2024-05-15 - add credtis to Telecom
2024-05-31 - gate websocket behind feature
2024-05-31 - add trame display
2024-06-04 - Refactor to clean/clear
2024-06-04 - remove RefCell (#37)
2024-06-04 - share code between panel
2024-06-05 - gate behind feature